Cooking with Bridget

Hey there! I’d like to introduce my friend Bridget. She lives with a form of severe dysphagia, which causes difficulty when eating. We thought it could be super helpful to share some dysphagia-friendly recipes with others who have similar dietary struggles who need soft, blended, or puréed foods.

Later this summer, Bridget will face a life-altering surgery when she has an Esophagectomy with Gastric Pull-Up. There are so many little things to do to prepare for this fast-approaching surgery, but I thought getting her favorite recipes organized would help make her recovery a little less stressful. I hope these recipes can help anyone else who is struggling with nutrition and in a similar situation.

If you would like to show gratitude for these recipes or show Bridget some love, please check out her GoFundMe and consider contributing. I hope you enjoy these recipes–happy cooking!

💜 Kat