Lemon Pudding

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I am so excited to be kicking off our recipe series “Cooking with Friends” with my dear friend Bridget Oyen. I love cooking with her, she's such a great kitchen collaborator. It's always so fun to experiment and improvise recipes with her, and see what magic we can make. ✨

What's so exciting about Chef Bridgette’s recipes is that they are all dysphagia-friendly! Because Bridget has Achalasia, she struggles greatly with eating. Achalasia is only one disease of many that can make something as normal as eating very complicated, painful, and a struggle to get proper nutrition. Basically, with achalasia eating can become a real chore. The good news is these recipes are not only delicious and nutritious— they're meals Bridget and I can enjoy together. It’s so easy to take eating with a friend for granted until complicated dietary restrictions come up, and turn every meal or snack into an ordeal.

Later this summer, Bridget will face a life-altering surgery when she has an Esophagectomy with Gastric Pull-Up. There are so many little things to do to prepare for this fast-approaching surgery, but I thought getting her favorite recipes organized would help make her recovery a little less stressful. I hope these recipes can help anyone else who is struggling with nutrition and in need of dysphagia-friendly recipes. If you would like to show gratitude for these recipes or show Bridget some love, please check out her GoFundMe and consider contributing.

I hope you enjoy these recipes–happy cooking!

- Kat


  • 3 cups whole milk
  • 3 egg yolks
  • 1/2 cup of sugar
  • 3 T cornstarch
  • 1 lemon, zest and juice
  • 1 T butter
  • 1/2 t vanilla
  • Pinch of salt


  1. Split milk and add cornstarch to half and set aside. Add the other half in a shallow pot/saucepan with the sugar and salt on medium heat.
  2. Break yolks in a bowl, and temper them slowly once the milk is hot but not bubbling by whisking in a ladleful of the hot milk.
  3. Slowly add the tempered eggs to the pot/pan and whisk.
  4. Add the milk and cornstarch mixture and whisk.
  5. (Optional) Add in the 1/4 of powder and whisk.
  6. Whisk constantly until thickened and lightly bubbling.
  7. Remove from heat and add butter and vanilla.
  8. Allow to cool on counter before covering to refrigerate, or refrigerate immediately by putting cling wrap directly on the pudding.

Recipe Video:

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