Hi there, I’m Kat!

This food and wellness blog is a fusion of my passions: food & design. My current kitchen obsession is developing a weeknight rotation of recipes that are delicious, comforting, and as low-stress as possible as I heal from chronic migraines and burnout.

I hope the recipes I share will help you figure out a food flow that makes you feel your best in your mind, body, and soul. When you know how to meal plan and cook for yourself, you can make more informed decisions about how to fuel and nurture your body. The goal isn't to be "perfect", it's to figure out what works for you.

When I'm not in the kitchen or building recipe websites for clients, I'm usually snuggling with my kitties and watching movies with my husbae.

Feel free to say hi to me on Instagram or TikTok—I'd love to connect. 💜

PS. You can browse some of my past work in my portfolio.